

TECHNE came to life thanks to the entrepreneurial spirit of Davide Peli who, just over 20 years old, decided to create a startup with the support of two professors of Ipsia institute, based in Gardone Val Trompia.


A responsibility that, a few years later, he will begin to share with a second - very young - partner: the 19-year-old Alex Valentini.

Today, TECHNE has 40 employees and a turnover of 7 million euro. A surprisingly young company, but with a great experience behind.
2008 Techne is born as a service company for businesses.
2009 We earn the UNI EN ISO 9001 certification.
2010 We specialize in the calibration of measuring instruments and we open the first Laboratory
2013 We acquire the firm FORDIM
2016 We move the headquarters to Brescia Est, in a wider space, with a new testing lab.
2017 Techne becomes Accredia centre for the calibration of sensors, calibrators and temperature indicators.
2018 A new office opens in North Carolina - USA
2019 All CMMs are replaced with new ones, exclusively ZEISS products.
2020 We purchase the new ZEISS METROTOM 800 industrial tomography system.
2021 Techne becomes Accredia Centre for the calibration of hygrometers and thermo-hygrometers
2021 We become Business partner with ZEISS
2023 2023 Become an ACCREDIA Center for calibration of outdoor temperature sensors
2023 2023: Purchase the new ZEISS METROTOM CT1500 Industrial Tomography system.
2025 New office opens in Bolzano at NOI TECHPARK
timeline di Techne

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begin it.